Saturday, January 31, 2015

Friday Realizations... a little late

Dear Hubby,
Didn't get a chance to write my Friday letter yesterday because Apple was holding my computer hostage. But now, here I am, 10:52 on a Saturday night, writing your letter this week.

You are the most important thing to me in the world. This week was a rough one. Don't really know why we got in such a funk after such a good weekend last weekend. I know you is taking a toll on you. I'm so sorry that I can't do more for you in that area. I know a lot of times, you need me just to listen and support you, and a lot of times, I don't have the patience because I've spent my whole day listening to a 2-year-old telling me how life should be for him! I'm sorry. I want to be more understanding and helpful in that way. I love you. I want to be your helper in any way possible.

No matter how hard life gets and how disconnected we get, I want to be your helper and do anything and everything to make your life better.

I'm here for the journey... not just the ups, but the downs too. I know that even when we have our downs, or our disconnections, we'll get there. We'll get past it and we'll have a new story for our journey together.

So all that to say... tell me all your woes at work. Wake me up by weaving your legs with mine.  Take some time for yourself so you can recharge to be the best husband and father you can be. I love you! I love you! I love you!

Okay, it's after 11, so it's time for me to hit the hay! Love you!

Your Wifey

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