Friday, January 23, 2015

To my husband... Friday Realizations

Dear Husband of mine,
So I'm a little behind in my New Year's "resolution," but it's still January, right? It's all good. Every week, I want to write you a note, tell you how much I love you, and maybe write things that we don't have time to talk about on a normal basis. So here's my first post...

Baby, I love you. These past few months have not been easy. We have been plugging along, doing everything that is expected us, but we really have lacked "connecting." This is not a secret to you... I know you feel it too... You just adjust to it better than I do. I crave connecting with you. I crave it. I love you so much and not connecting is the worst thing ever. The problem is, instead of curing it and making the effort, I sit and wallow that it's not what I want it to me. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry... You deserve so much more than that. This is part of my new strategy. Adoring you through my words, and acknowledging that I've been wrong.

You are truly my favorite person in the world. More than our son, if you can believe that! I know life gets busy and things happen. I understand that the time or money might not be available for us to go on dates, but I want you to know that I appreciate the time and energy you spend with me. Even if it's watching my favorite show of Shark every Friday night with me! (Even though you want to watch a movie every week!) You are sacrificial and loving and I so appreciate that about you!

Can't wait to continue to write to my thoughts and love on you the way that God has called me as your wife. I love you!


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