Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Craziness... with a side of Peace

Where does the time go? It's already March? So, like a lot of women in their early 30's, my life is pretty typical... CRAZY! Trying to manage keeping my cool (and my brain) amongst the cleaning, work prep, diaper changing, breakfast, lunch and dinner making, keeping a toddler content, happy and busy, and a bit of unexpected nausea, as in at any moment's notice (thank you second baby!) Before you get all judgey about this being another blog from an ungrateful part-time stay-at-home mom, don't get me wrong. I love my life! I love my husband, I love my busy 2 year-old, and the little flutters inside my stomach make me giddy.

 Just a little glimpse into our lives, which I've probably already written somewhere (just call it baby brain)... we bought a condo in September. So blessed, but with that, comes more financial responsibility. So trying to live the lifestyle that we want, while being able to still raise our child/children, both my hubby and I have taken on a few extra jobs. I work 2 days a week as a homeschool co-op teacher (best job ever), and have been subbing a bit more at two different schools, and sewing and creating baby blankets and making other creations to sell. My hubby is working hard at work, picking up a few football camps and training sessions on the side, which keeps him away from home more than we'd both like. And then, don't get me started on keeping our two year old happy!!! Actually, he is a crazy combination of busy and having an amazing attention span. He seriously could sit in front of the TV the whole day if I let him. (I don't, which then leads to some epic battles and heavy persuasion to go outside to ride his bike or scooter... And then he's all over the place! Running, jumping, climbing, throwing things, making messes, etc. He NEVER stops... unless a television is involved with Cars or Planes on!) Then add a pregnancy to the mix. We are so blessed beyond belief to have a healthy baby up to this point! For the most part, I haven't been too sick, but man, it has hit me pretty hard when it does! I'm finally getting a bit of my energy back.

Amongst the chaos, and break downs in communication and normal frustrations in all the hubbub of life, there remains a still small voice that reminds me... "I am here, I am listening, and I want to give you peace and rest.... Come find me." Unfortunately, I find Him and come to Him at "ungodly" hours of the night when I can't sleep. Even though there are times I wish I was sleeping instead of being awake at 2:30am, I do find peace and rest in Him. He is there, waiting for me to pick up the phone and invest in my relationship with Him. Although I should be dead tired, being awake for 2 hours in the middle of the night, wrestling my little guy into his carseat at 7am, and growing another human inside of me, I'm not. I have a renewed energy that only can come from my Jesus!

So, why am I writing this? To be an encouragement to all you working, part-time or full-time, or stay at home moms. Jesus is there in your chaos. He wants to carry your burdens, you just have to let him. Maybe you'll be smarter than me and take advantage of nap time or time after your little ones go to bed, but I pray you take that time to talk to Him, read,  journal, or do whatever you need to to connect with our Savior! He's waiting with your side of peace!

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Friday Realizations... a little late

Dear Hubby,
Didn't get a chance to write my Friday letter yesterday because Apple was holding my computer hostage. But now, here I am, 10:52 on a Saturday night, writing your letter this week.

You are the most important thing to me in the world. This week was a rough one. Don't really know why we got in such a funk after such a good weekend last weekend. I know you is taking a toll on you. I'm so sorry that I can't do more for you in that area. I know a lot of times, you need me just to listen and support you, and a lot of times, I don't have the patience because I've spent my whole day listening to a 2-year-old telling me how life should be for him! I'm sorry. I want to be more understanding and helpful in that way. I love you. I want to be your helper in any way possible.

No matter how hard life gets and how disconnected we get, I want to be your helper and do anything and everything to make your life better.

I'm here for the journey... not just the ups, but the downs too. I know that even when we have our downs, or our disconnections, we'll get there. We'll get past it and we'll have a new story for our journey together.

So all that to say... tell me all your woes at work. Wake me up by weaving your legs with mine.  Take some time for yourself so you can recharge to be the best husband and father you can be. I love you! I love you! I love you!

Okay, it's after 11, so it's time for me to hit the hay! Love you!

Your Wifey

Friday, January 23, 2015

To my husband... Friday Realizations

Dear Husband of mine,
So I'm a little behind in my New Year's "resolution," but it's still January, right? It's all good. Every week, I want to write you a note, tell you how much I love you, and maybe write things that we don't have time to talk about on a normal basis. So here's my first post...

Baby, I love you. These past few months have not been easy. We have been plugging along, doing everything that is expected us, but we really have lacked "connecting." This is not a secret to you... I know you feel it too... You just adjust to it better than I do. I crave connecting with you. I crave it. I love you so much and not connecting is the worst thing ever. The problem is, instead of curing it and making the effort, I sit and wallow that it's not what I want it to me. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry... You deserve so much more than that. This is part of my new strategy. Adoring you through my words, and acknowledging that I've been wrong.

You are truly my favorite person in the world. More than our son, if you can believe that! I know life gets busy and things happen. I understand that the time or money might not be available for us to go on dates, but I want you to know that I appreciate the time and energy you spend with me. Even if it's watching my favorite show of Shark every Friday night with me! (Even though you want to watch a movie every week!) You are sacrificial and loving and I so appreciate that about you!

Can't wait to continue to write to my thoughts and love on you the way that God has called me as your wife. I love you!
