Saturday, February 25, 2012

Being Healthy... addicting!

   Sooo... on my 28th birthday in September, I decided that I was going to start my fitness routine back up, and man... has it been awesome! I started on September 17th and went to my first BodyPump class by myself. It was quite the experience. I didn't really now what I was doing, but after one class, I was hooked! I started that day with pretty light weights, just trying to figure out what I was doing. Well, once I get my mind to something, I kind of obsess. So 4 months later, in January, I was a firm believer in going to my BodyPump class three times a week. I started having "my" people and talking to the people around me at my classes Monday nights, Thursday mornings (totally addicted to my 5:30am class), and then on Saturday mornings. There were times I could talk a friend into coming with me, and other times, I'd drag my husband, but mostly, it was a release... A time away from all other people for me to sweat and feel myself getting stronger. Well, after all that time, I thought that maybe I should mix things up a bit and start running. I added a run or two to my weekly schedule and I was feeling good.
    A few weeks ago, my husband, a strength coach, asked me if I felt like I was getting stronger in my classes that I was taking. I thought about it for a little while, and told him that I felt that I was leveling out a bit, so he thought maybe if I mix in some "real" lifting, I could see my progress better. I used to lift quite a bit, when the gym first opened up in Nov. '10, but through various events, sicknesses, etc, I had gotten out of the habit. Soooo... I've been lifting for the last few weeks, mixing in a 24SET or BudyPump class every once in a while. Yesterday, I went with my husband to the gym. We went our separate ways, but when I was to do an "assisted pull-up" and the machine was taken, I went over to Carl and asked him what I should do. He instructed me to go to this machine and do a "jumping pull-up" and then gently let myself down. "Jumping pull-up" is my own personal name for it. Anyways, I did one and he said, "Can you do a real pull up by yourself?" I looked at him like he was crazy. "No." He looked at me and said, "Are you sure?" I said, "I don't know. I've never tried!" So, all that to say... yesterday, I did my first pull up ever... and then I did two more after that!!!! It was quite the accomplishment for me! I was so excited... I truly have proof that I've gotten stronger! So, with the help of my hubby, I have gotten stronger! Yay me!
   Now on the other hand, I absolutely LOVE running! I ran a 1/2 Marathon in 2006 and I loved it. Running is not my hubby's favorite thing to do. Like really... not at all! But, throughout our marriage, he has taken running up so we can spend time together. Anyways, I just convinced him to run a 5K with me and he took his training to heart! He runs three times a week for at least 3 miles... so good! This morning I went with him, and we ran five miles!!! I'm so proud of him. We're already signed up for the 5K, but we're thinking about running a 1/2 marathon in May! Neither of us have felt so good in our lives! Such a great feeling... it's addicting!

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