Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Good Riddance, December and January.

Well, December has come and gone. So has January, almost... CRAZY! Where does the time go? Well, to be honest, those months are not months I ever would want to repeat. December was definitely the hardest month of our lives. I just read my last post... written the day before my father-in-law went home to be with Jesus. So, December 9 will forever be a date that I remember, a bittersweet day that Carl Sr.'s suffering ended. Obviously, it began our grief. Christmas without him was hard. The hardest part is the "sad moments" that I catch my husband having, in remembrance of his dad. Whoo... hard.

Then, January started. We were high on life. Ready for the fresh start that seems to come naturally with a new calendar year. For us... it began a month of sickness for all three of us. Yikes. January 3rd started out normally, with our little guy babbling about in his crib and my hubby was going into work for the morning, just to get things squared away before school came back in session the following week. As my husband was walking out the door, I went into our little guy's room, to be greeted by a happy, one-eyed little guy (his left eye was swollen almost shut.) I shouted to the hubby (the door was still open) and he came in. We made a rapid decision to take him to the doctor together. Turned out to be an eyelid infection, treatable with meds. Three days later, (Monday) little man got the flu. Worst. night. ever. I have never hurt so much for another person. Our little guy was so helpless and puking a total of 5 times throughout the night. Aghhhhhh. It just makes me so sad to even think about it. Tuesday was a lay-low day. Wednesday, more throwing up for the little guy. Thursday night, my husband went down and ended up puking on Friday morning. Sunday, it was my turn. Seriously, it was awful. As I was starting to feel better, I developed a cough that turned into an awful cold that lasted over a week. Oh yeah, amongst my sickness, the little guy decided to get croup and ended us up in the ER last weekend. I can finally say, 10 days later, we are all healthy, for now.

Yep. Glad these last months are over. But here's the deal. God is good. Our family is strong and can get through anything together. Our marriage hasn't been this good in a very long time. We are on the same page and have common goals, working on our marriage, working on being the best parents that we can be (with God's help), and finding more joy in Jesus everyday. My relationship with my mother-in-law has never been so strong either. We've been able to talk and establish boundaries in our roles as mom and grandma to our little man. It's all good. God is good and we are completely blessed. Here's to a better February. And if it's not and we have new challenges, I hope and pray God will use those challenges and me to build more joy in Him.