Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Gratitude is an understatement of how this "simple girl" feels. I have so much to thankful for. I've been sitting here at my in-laws for the last few hours contemplating this fact.

My husband is the joy of my life.
He makes me laugh... just tonight, he was building a fire. To keep the story short, he almost singed his own eyebrows off and the flames were higher than the mantle. I couldn't catch my breath or see because I was laughing so hard and the tears just kept coming!
So. My husband also wants the best for our life together. We found out this morning that we are for sure moving out of our apartment in January, due to raised rent. I know that this is stressful for us both, and we definitely want to make the right decision of where to go now, but he has been on his computer researching, researching, and researching. It's pretty cute!
He also indulges me in my crazy schemes. I love to do projects and cook/... okay, seriously, LOVE is an understatement. I'm fully in the project mode now that we're on break from school and Christmas is a-coming. Not only does he support me, but encourages me. I thinks my crazy ideas are awesome, which is fun and keeps me going. My newest creation is a snow white Christmas wreath... pictures to come!

So... all that to say... I'm thankful for my husband.

My family blesses me every day! Even though my parents live across the country, I couldn't be closer to them than I am right now. I love talking to my parents on the phone and counting down the days until our flight to Florida in Dec. (It's 24 days, by the way!) My sweet brother and sister-in-law and baby nephew are so fun. Every time we arrange a time to hang out, I look forward to it more than ever. My in-laws are pretty awesome. I've never really been as entertained as I am when I'm with them. I spent my afternoon steam ironing drapes for my mother-in-law. As much as I felt a bit stressed out because there was pressure to do it completely right, and not ruin her curtains, I had a blast listening and talking to my sister-in-law and mother-in-law! They are truly amazing women!

There's so much to be thankful for, but it wouldn't be possible without God. He's so incredible to give us blessings and even hard things in our lives. On Tuesday, I found out that one of my students lost his dad to cancer on Monday night. I broke my heart to think of the struggle that that family is dealing with right now, but the more it has sunk in, I have realized that though it is a difficult time, they are so blessed to have family around and friends that love them and that want to be there to support them.

At our church, we've been going through Romans (Okay... for the last 2 1/2 years, we've been going through Romans and we just finished the 11th chapter.) A ton of it is so over my head, but I've learned so much that God is sovereign and he has chosen us to be his children. I am honored and humbled that he would chose me.

Okay, at this point I'm kind of rambling, but these are my inmost thoughts just flowing out. I'll start posting my projects and experiences with the kitchen... Every time I cook something new or fun, I've been taking pictures, so I promise, those pictures will be on their way!

So... with that... Happy Thanksgiving! Be grateful for what God has given you, and don't forget to tell those in your life how thankful you are for them and why!

God bless!!!